Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Days are Long but the Years are Short...

The title to this post is one of my favorite quotes about being a parent. Congrats to C on a beautiful baby girl! I can't wait to see her (and her Mama) running a half marathon in green-striped socks!

Things have been so busy since I started my new job in January, which I absolutely love. The people I work with are wonderful--no egos, willing to take the time to train & mentor, and great outdoorsmen & women. I spent this past winter learning to snowshoe and cross-country ski with my new colleague Britt, who is hands-down the most athletic woman I know. Gen, K, J & I all ventured out on our own as well...

Just a few of the things we've been up to:
J passed his comps (comprehensive exams) this past March, so I've been catching up on spending time with him; we went to Orlando for my cousin's wedding and had a blast; our favorite San Fran friends came up for a visit; we got to play with our friends' daughter, Isabel, for a whole night; and Gen & I just took a kayak lesson with more kayaking to follow. All in all, it's been a great spring and I'm looking forward to summer as well.

A daughter any parent would be happy to have:
Will Ferrell & Pearl

Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Hannukah! Merry Christmas! Festive Diwali! Good Kwanzaa, etc...

30 second "It's a Wonderful Life"

BIG NEWS -- no, not THAT kind -- is that I have a NEW job!

Finally! Whoo-hoo! I will be starting a new job at the Oregon Dept. of Justice in January. I'm thrilled! No more criminal clients (ask me about some of them)! No more commute to the 'Couv (aka Vantucky). Old firm took it well and I wish them the best--even had a criminal client wish me "congratulations."

I'll be in the Business Transactions Division, the Intellectual Property Section. Mostly my responsibilities will include drafting and negotiating state agency contracts. Also, the job is in Salem but I can catch a carpool.

J is planning on taking his oral comps in February and can then look for a teaching job. Coincidentally, there's an opening at Willamette, so we may be thinking about a move this spring. All very exciting!

It's also the final night of Hannukah so we've been busy lighting candles AND finalizing some Christmas gift-giving.

Um, I'm embarrassed for this guy! (OVER 18 ONLY)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Yea, I ran like Hell...

Last weekend was the Run Like Hell Half-Marathon. Not sure what convinced me that less than a month after my marathon and with my intense training of oh, about 10 miles per week, that a half-marathon was, yeah, a good idea. Since I'm looking for a running scapegoat yet again, I'll point the finger at the bag of delicious Halloween candy that I bought early and ate. Yup, didn't bother with the costume but sure went to town on the candy. I actually had to go out and buy another bag of candy to have something to pass out to the real trick-or-treaters last night!

So, the Half wasn't that bad--I finished under 2 hours which I'm considering a victory. I learned why most people take more time off after a marathon, though. Sometimes you don't realize what in your body is still recovering until you run for a couple hours. Good times, good times.

My current post-marathon goal is to not get fat, which my belly full of chocolate finds quite amusing. It's winter right? In Portland right? This dark by 4:30 thing is so not helping me reach my goal.

white & nerdy - don't you know it!

Monday, October 02, 2006

San Francisco & Portland Marathon

The Portland Marathon was yesterday and it was just not my day. I started off with my goal pace group: 3:40, in the hopes of qualifying for Boston. I was pretty peeved when I saw that I completed the first 10k on pace while the pace group was waaaayyyy in front of me. Anyway, I just didn't have it that day and was ready to stop by mile 9. At mile 16, I was contemplating quitting all together but had a friend waiting for me at mile 18. Not wanting to leave her stranded on the other side of the St. John's Bridge, I kept going. By the time I reached her I wanted nothing but to be done. At that point I was also the queen of negativity, telling my friend how awful the course was, how I didn't want to do this, that the view could go F---- off, etc... Seriously, I would have ditched me!

I can't thank everyone enough for running with me, cheering me on, waiving a great sign with my and another friend's name on it, telling me I was going to make it, being at the finish and brunch after, being there on training runs, and all the other wonderful things that made me not quit at mile 16. It absolutely would not have happened without you!

It was really sad because I had trained so very hard but my legs didn't feel fresh at all. My training had included over 800 miles, 100 of which was five 20-milers so I should have breezed through the first half of the marathon at race pace with little effort. You other runners know, it's that feeling that your legs are moving of their own free will and you're just along for the ride, watching the ground past by. Those are the days we run for; and, if you're training is on track, that's how you're supposed to feel on race day.

So, I ended up with a time slower than my first marathon which was incredibly disappointing. I still completed a marathon, however, so I did achieve one of my four goals! I'll probably spend hours looking at my training log to figure out where I went wrong but my initial theory is that spending last week in San Francisco where we walked around all day and didn't sleep well translated into a poor taper for the marathon. Oh well, there's always next year! ;) (And clearly, the San Fran trip was much enjoyed!)

Also, Happy New Year to all my Yiddish homies!
Hebrew Crunk-not for the easily offended

Monday, August 21, 2006

There and Back Again...A Short Runner's Tale

Amy's Third Grade Diary--Do You Want to Read Me? Click "Yes" or "No"

Hood-to-Coast is this coming weekend and I can't wait! It's a day off of work with friends and 3 good runs. Ok, so it's also 24 hours without sleep, showers, and decent food. My team may get showers at a friend's house in Portland, so it's not even that bad. If anyone's around, come cheer when we go through downtown Portland!

I also hit my weekly mileage goal last week - 50 miles! Whew-hoo! Of course, 20 of it was completed on Saturday during a training run which took us from downtown, over the St. John's (you call that a hill) Bridge and back into the city. I have to say that St. John's doesn't feel any worse than running from 23rd to Leif. Wonder what I'll be thinking when I'm doing the bridge at mile 17; thank goodness for mp3 players.

That brings me to my next point -- quality running songs. Here's my list and if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love it!

1) Beautiful Stanger - Madonna
2) American Woman - Lenny Kravitz
3) No Sleep Till Brooklyn - Beastie Boys
4) Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
5) Go the Distance - Cake
6) Soul Meets Body - Death Cab for Cutie
7) Ready to Run - Dixie Chicks
8) Break on Through - The Doors
9) Rich Girl - Gwen Stefani
10) Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
11) Running on Empty - Jackson Browne
12) Foxey Lady - Jimi Hendrix
13) The Memory Remains - Metallica
14) One - Metallica
15) Go - Pearl Jam
16) Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd
17) Hang on Little Tomato - Pink Martini
18) Bulls on Parade - Rage Against the Machine
19) Electricity, Electricity - Schoolhouse Rock
20) Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
21) Running Down the Dream - Tom Petty
22) Out of Control - The Chemical Brothers
23) Run Away - The Real McCoy
24) Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
25) Istanbul - They Might Be Giants
26) Lateralus - Tool
27) Desire - U2
28) Chariots of Fire Theme Song - Vangelis

Airborne Enhancement Device, or I May Never Come Down Again

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bridge Pedal

The Bridge Pedal was this past Sunday. The weather was perfect-warm with a little breeze. We did the 8-bridge route, which was 24 miles and took about 3 hours. The entire thing was very relaxed and leisurely and I can't wait to do the longer route next year!

Our friend from Indonesia was in town and his good childhood friend joined us. Next year I'll try to drag more people out. Especially those with kids since there were so many there and they seemed to be having a ball.

Treadmill Revolution (music video)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Too cool not to post...

Um, the link, not me. ;)
Why I love Gen X & Y!

Orchestra playing 80's video game music--how many have you played?

As a running update, I've been doing much better than the previous post. I took a few down weeks and seem to be coming back. Last night I was caught in traffic so I decided to take 205, which turned out to be just as bad. I missed the store run but drove past the Mary Young State Park and pulled over. Since I was already dressed for running, I thought what the hay. Turns out it's a pretty nice place to run with lots of trees, friendly people, trails to the river, and water fountains. There's a big loop which is only about a 1 1/2 mile around but not a bad circuit. Really what I needed that day.

Hood to Coast is coming up and my team needs another girl runner if anyone's interested. We're all just looking for a good time--I mean, come on, who wouldn't consider 48 hours without sleep, in a van with 6-7 other people, no showers, and crappy food a good time? Maybe C is interested? It's a fun way to meet people and is actually less than 48 hours AND there's a big party with lots of beer at the end! Can't wait!

Actually play 80s videogames (free, cool website)